Thursday, August 18, 2011

I walked to school, up hill, both ways. . . .

WWTK with Mamarazzi and Queso

{1} Did you live in the same town or move around a lot as a child?
We only moved once.  When I was 4 my family moved from Michigan to a small town in Utah.  I feel so blessed to have grown up in a small town and to now only be an hour away.  Whether it's been a day, a week, or a month, it always feels good to go home.

{2} What were your parents like?
Both of my parents worked full time jobs while I was growing up.  My mom is the perfect balance between friend and parent.  She was not afraid to whip my butt when I deserved it but she also took me and my friends "cruisin' main" and taught me how to sneak the car out of the driveway.  My dad was a true blue collar worker.  He would come home from work everyday and ask me to take his boots off, which I always complained about but secretly I loved because we would talk about our day.  When I was little he would play Kenny Rogers vinyl records, I would stand on the fireplace, and we would dance.  I remember going to the movies one time with my parents and I was so embarrassed that they were holding hands! 

{3} Do you have any siblings? What were they like growing up?
I have 4 brothers and 1 sister.  We laughed a lot!  Mostly at each other.  There was a lot of teasing.  We are still that way today which is probably why I'm not as open about some stuff or introduce them to any guys in my life because I would never hear the end of it. 

{4} Share a short story from your childhood.
About a block from our house was a wash that frequently had water running through it.  Normally this was the way we walked to school but if there was water running we had to take a different route where there was a bridge to cross, but this alternate route took an extra long time.  So we would tell my mom that we would take said route and then really we would try to hop scotch across some rocks where the water wasn't too deep.  Inevitable one of us always fell in and ended up having to go home to change.  My mom would be so mad, then we do it again the very next day. 

{5} What did you look like?



  2. You've only gotten more beautiful.
    I love your parents!
