Friday, December 31, 2010

What ARE they?

* I got called to be a primary teacher in my ward.

* I'm a little scared.

* Their 9 years old.

* Maybe a little nervous.

* There's 4 of them.

* Scared and nervous?

* And their all boys!

* Did I mention I'm completely terrified?!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

people watching = judging?

I may be a bad person.  Or as Ryanne so eloguently put it last night "we're going to burn in Hell". 
Last night I went to the movies and since we were going to the theater that was on the work side of town, not the home side of town, I just hungout at work (checked my FB) a few extra minutes and then went early to the movie theater.  I highy recommend doing this.  If the movies had staggering start times so that there was always people in the lobby I wouldn't even need to see a movie.  I could literally sit there and people watch for hours.  Some of these statements may seem a tad on the harsh side but keep in mind only a few were spoken out loud.  I give you:  Random thoughts from a shallow mind.  Don't judge me, you do it too!

When did feathered bangs come back in style?

His pants are wayyyy tooo tight....he has to be gay.

Holy Hell that baby is tiny!  Did she come straight from the delivery room?

You cannot go halfway on a look people!  If you do your hair and make-up like your going to strut the runway, you cannot wear a velour track suit. 

Why is that lady carrying around that mini oxygen tank?  Shouldn't she have the hose on her face instead of in her hands?

When did the combo price jump from $10 to $12?  Don't they know the economy is still bad?

She overpaid for that jacket!  Maybe it was a Christmas gift?  She's still paying with her dignity.

Am I the only person in the world who is still holding out on the whole skinny jeans trend?

Well check out the Kim Kardashian wannabe. 

Oh.  My.  Flower.  Tights.  That is just 18 variety's of wrong!

Burning in Hell?  Maybe.  Fun?  Absolutely.  Where is your favorite spot to people watch?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"but privately....he hit it."

Maybe I am just that unoriginal, but I love to quote movies, tv shows, music, commercials, or people in my life who say stupid things (there's a lot of them).  Last night I was out with friends and the quotes just kept coming.  It was one of those nights.  I laughed so hard.  I'm surprised nothing came out my nose.  This morning I am paying for it.  I feel hungover, or what I imagine hungover would feel like.  Everything has pain.  Even my eyeballs hurt.  When I walk, I can literally feel my brain shifting positions in my head.  But it was worth it.  I'll take a comedy I've seen a dozen times over a drama or action movie any day.  I love funny and I love to laugh and I love SNL.  Enjoy!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Working 9 to 5

So Thanksgiving is over, you can be thankful all year round.

* I had a long post ranting about working in a thankless service industry.

* I didn't erase it.  I'll just wait for another confessional when I'm not so sucidal from the idiot customers.

* I decided to instead confess how grateful I am to have a job.

* There was a time a little over a year ago that I didn't know what I would be doing next.

* I'm grateful to have a job where I genuinely like my boss and co-workers.

* I'm grateful to have a job that I mostly enjoy.

* I'm grateful I have a job that provides with enough money to pay my bills.

* I'm grateful I don't have a cubicle job.  I love the windows in the office, eases that cooped up feeling.

* I'm grateful for a job that gives me unlimited internet access.  Not always, but somedays are really slow and my boss doesn't mind if I'm browsing the web or listen to Nascar qualifying online on Fridays.

* I'm grateful to have a job.

Friday, December 3, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

* I had pizza for breakfast.

* I have a stash of Christmas candy within 3 feet at all times.

* I am at a total loss as to why I can't drop any lb's???

* I am really gettin into the Christmas spirit this year.

 * I mean singing songs and everything.

* I can't wait to go cut down a tree tomorrow. (and eat at Marv's!!)

* I loathe fake Christmas trees.

* I feel like it just goes against tradition.

* Once, when I was little, my family put up a cedar tree and decorated it (obviously as a joke).

* My Grandma (bless her heart) raved on and on about how beautiful it was.

* When my mom finally called her out on it being an ugly cedar tree, she would not back track, still raved about its beauty.

* I have not bought one single Christmas gift.

* I will run around cussing and paying double on or around the 24th.

* Just like I do every year.

* Maybe that's why it's usually so hard for me to feel the Christmas spirit?