Tuesday, April 26, 2011


At the end of March my friend Ry and I took a road trip to attend Holi.  What's Holi you say?  I'm glad you asked.  It's a spring festival of color that people go in looking like this.

 And.....you come out looking like this....

It was about 3 hours of music I couldn't understand and people throwing a color powder substance at me.

(I honestly don't know why I'm giving peace signs but how else to you pose solo)

And it was A LOT of fun.  We didn't go in and tour the lovely Hindu temple you see behind me because frankly, I didn't want to take my shoes off.  Yep, I can be lazy like that.  Get up at 6am, ok.  Drive a few hundred miles, I'll live.  Take my shoes off?  Undo these laces....whatever!

Don't let me forget!! I went home with 2 dozen Krispy Kream donuts....YUM!

Monday, April 25, 2011

No one is safe in this house. . . .

No one was harmed in the making of this video....except maybe Ashley's ego.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Life's too interesting for a snack that isn't. . . .

I confess. . . .

*  I could never fit in to a snooty book club.

*  You know the ones where the books are like 700 pages and they get together and talk about symbolism
and crap.

*  Yeah THOSE ones.

*  Give me my Anita Stansfield, 256 pages of a handsome rouge man falling in love and doing good deeds.

*  I read to relax and be entertained, I don't want to have to think too hard.
*  Last night I had the best dream about a handsome stranger.

*  He had very warm inviting eyes and I felt like I would marry him.

*  Somehow in the dream ( I don't remember how ) I found out his name was Dave McInnes.

*  I don't know anyone of that name but at least now I know where to start my search for my soul mate

*  So let me know if you find him.

*  I've never even heard of someone with the name McInnes.

*  Is that even a real name???

*  No more PB Twix before bed!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

True friends stab you in the front. . . .

Mamarazzi has a new linky party on Wednesday's.  While I'll never love it like I love 'Friday Confessional'  I had nothing better to do at work today than fill out a questionaire. . . .right?


The theme of the Q&A this week is Friendship:

{1} Do you make friends easily?
       No.  In fact it's extremely difficult for me.  It's very rare for me to add someone to my circle of friends.  But, once you're in the circle, you're a lifer.   

{2} What 3 qualities are a must in a friend?
       Sense of humor - If you can't make me laugh or don't laugh at my jokes (gasp! that NEVER happens) we aren't going to be friends for long.
       Confidence (not cocky) - I absolutely hate, hate when someone nees constant reassurance that their somebody special.
       Have a life - My family will always be more important to me than you. . . .learn to deal with that.  

{3} What makes you a good friend?
       I think I'm a good listener.  I try to listen more than give advice.  While I consider myself to be an honest person, I'm not the kind of person that believes honesty is always the best policy.  If you wear a pair of pants that make your butt look so big you look like one of those rap guys girlfriends, I'm probably not going to tell you.  You own a mirror, don't make me be the one to crush your soul.   However, if I think it's a serious enough issue such as: "your boyfriends a total jerk off" you better believe I'm gonna tell you and I'm NOT gonna sugar coat it.  
I'm a go with the flow kinda girl, so if you cancel on me last minute or your 15 minutes late to our lunch date, don't sweat it!  It happens to the best of us, I won't rip your head off and remind you every 5 minutes how late you were.

{4} Have you ever met a bloggy friend in real life? 
       I have a few friends that follow my blog that I've known for a while, and 1 for life (Hi Beth!).  However, I've never met any of my bloggy friends that I've met through my blog.

{5} Who is your best friend? Tell us about them.
       I'm lucky enough to have 2!  Sorry I can't pick a #1 but if I'm forced to, it's got to be Bethany if only because I know April doesn't read my blog.
This is me and Bethany, in our HS days, at the US/Mexico border waiting for them to search our bus and determine we don't have any contraband that we are trying to sneak back into the US.

I like to call her my "built in BFF".  See we are also family, so it's like. . . . she has to love me. 
And this is April and me, again in my HS days (they're so BFF that I have no recent photos of us, that's just how we roll).  Every summer April's family would invite me (or I hid in the trailer either way I got to go) to go camping with them for a whole week on Boulder Mountain.  It is beautiful!  The mountains, the rivers, the lakes, the fishing, the boys!

So many fun memories!

Friday, April 15, 2011

You can take the girl out of the country. . . .


*  I am so grateful to my parents for sacrificing their time and money so that I could grow up in a small town.  (Even though my mom would admit the only way you are moving her from Enterprise is in a casket.)

*  I'm sure there were a lot of other things my dad would have liked to do besides drive an hour to and from work each day....that's 10 HOURS of driving a WEEK!!  Which computes to a whole lot of gas $$$$.

*  I know there are things in the city that you can't get in a small town.  But, that works both ways.

*  I have a work trip coming up that I am NOT excited about.

*  Did I mention I have to go on an airplane???  To a big city???

*  Did I mention I hate big cities that I don't know where I'm going or how long it will take to get there???

*  What if I'm in a cab and I get car sick or need to go to the bathroom???

*  YES!  This is what keeps me up at night!

*  To make matters worse, I got an email from the factory I will be visiting and they "wanted to know more about me".  I deleted that email in a hurry.

*  Then I got a phone call about the email I had not yet responded to....(oops).  "We're so excited your coming and we'll be going to dinner at least 3 times that week"  Say what?

*  I just know they are going to take us to some fancy schmancy restaurant I probably won't be able to pronounce the name of.

*  I will literally projectile vomit if anyone within 3 seats of me orders any kind of sea food!

*  I'm sure they won't serve the kind of food I like

*  Sorry!  I was raised in a hick town and have simple taste.

Monday, April 11, 2011

I'm so tired of being tired.

Here are the things I know for sure.  I absolutely cannot sleep with socks on.  I prefer milk chocolate to semi sweet.  I like Target better than Wal-Mart, although my budget does not.  And I don't know if I will ever get used to sleeping alone again.  Yes, I would gladly take the feet in your face, head in your back, kicking you off the bed and keeping the covers over sleeping alone.  I was so looking forward to having my bed all to myself and for the life of me I could not get to sleep last night.  I tried everything.  Even the floor.

Needless to say my first night back in my own home was a major FAIL!  I did not sleep well.  And for all my complaining about Lora keeping their house too hot I about froze to death!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Where are your shoes?

Every morning I get to hear Lora have this conversation with her kids.  It doesn't matter if it is the oldest (he's 10) or the youngest (he's 2).  They come through the door and the shoes come off and never in the same spot.  I never grew out of the habit of kicking my shoes off when I come home, although I do pretty good to keep track of them now.
My feet are not the most attractive.  Especially the little baby toe.  It likes to curl up and hide under the one next to it.  I've always hated my toes.  This has not stopped me from going barefoot or close to it for most of my life.  If I think I can get away with wearing flip flops somewhere, don't think I won't do it.  When I drive though if I'm wearing flip flops I usually take them off and slide them under the seat.   
One time that I would have loved to have tennis shoes on, I was a teenager and wrecked my parent's car.  I was driving home from my sisters on an old dirt road that is not well traveled.  I was going way too fast and started to fishtail.  I hit the embankment on the side of the road and it sent me airborne and flipping about 3-4 times.  The car came to rest on its hood.  I wasn't wearing a seat belt so I was banged up pretty nicely, but I knew if I waited for help I could be there for a while.  I crawled from the car and started to walk back to my sisters since it was closer than home.  I was pretty scared and not thinking to clearly so it didn't occur to me to look for my flip flops.  It was the middle of summer, on a gravel road and it was not kind to my feet.  Luckily, after  about 2 miles a sheriff passed by and picked me up, but not before the bottom of my feet were bruised and cut up.  
I still take my shoes off every chance I get.  However, I'm not completely nasty, there are places where I draw the line to go barefoot.  One of them, happens to be a public restroom a la Britney Spears.

Tell me about an interesting time when you happened to be barefoot.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

10 Things that make me happy :)

1.  Hershey's and nacho cheese Dorito's.  Trust me it's good.  But you have to eat it just so.  Take a bite of the Hershey's and when you have just a little bit of chocolate in your mouth eat a chip.  SERIOUSLY!!  So good!  I like to wash mine down with Coke but whatever....oh yeah it also is good with Snickers but not as good.

2.  When Pax comes into my bed in the middle of the night, he will snuggle in real close and wrap his arm around my neck.  It makes me feel so loved!  Tayson on the other hand is not a snugler he is a sideways, dirty feet by your face, kick you in the stomach, and cry every 30 minutes, (non)sleeper. 

3.  My job.  I'm alone in the office 90% of the time.  That means I get to listen to whatever music I want, however loud I want, and if I get my work done I get to play on the internet. 

4.  Lacie.  I love when she gets all excited to go for a ride in the truck with me.  She's totally one of those dogs that sticks her head out the window at 40 mph and just lets the gums and ears flap in the breeze.  Yesterday The Pioneer Woman posted a story a girl had wrote about putting one of her dogs to sleep.  I cried for about 20 minutes, gave my dog the biggest hug, and then prayed that we are years away from that sorry scenario.

5.  Mascara.  If I put no other make up for the day I always use a little mascara.

6.  Music.  I like it loud and I like to sing along....when no one else is around.

7.  My four wheeler.  Best $7000 I ever spent.  Of course you would never know it, it's a 2004 and I just hit 2000 miles.  So I don't get to ride as much as I want, doesn't mean I love it any less.

8.  Friday.  I get so excited like anything is possible, I can do whatever I want for 2 whole days! 

9.  Monday night cook outs in Enterprise.  A few years ago before my grandma Jones and aunt Maureen passed away we had a whole summer where we did a BBQ at my grandma's every Monday night. 
The. Whole. Family.  I wish we still did it but I know everyone gets busy and I definitely don't want to be the one to bring up the subject because whoever does is usually the one who gets to do the planning.

10.  My Blackberry.  Seriously it's when life began.  If the battery dies or I don't have service I feel like throwing myself off a bridge.  Makes me wonder how I ever got through life without it.

What are 10 things that make you happy?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Why I'll be sad to move out. . . .

Although Ashley's screeching drives me bonkers!!  She is always so thoughtful and leaving me little notes and presents.