Thursday, December 30, 2010

people watching = judging?

I may be a bad person.  Or as Ryanne so eloguently put it last night "we're going to burn in Hell". 
Last night I went to the movies and since we were going to the theater that was on the work side of town, not the home side of town, I just hungout at work (checked my FB) a few extra minutes and then went early to the movie theater.  I highy recommend doing this.  If the movies had staggering start times so that there was always people in the lobby I wouldn't even need to see a movie.  I could literally sit there and people watch for hours.  Some of these statements may seem a tad on the harsh side but keep in mind only a few were spoken out loud.  I give you:  Random thoughts from a shallow mind.  Don't judge me, you do it too!

When did feathered bangs come back in style?

His pants are wayyyy tooo tight....he has to be gay.

Holy Hell that baby is tiny!  Did she come straight from the delivery room?

You cannot go halfway on a look people!  If you do your hair and make-up like your going to strut the runway, you cannot wear a velour track suit. 

Why is that lady carrying around that mini oxygen tank?  Shouldn't she have the hose on her face instead of in her hands?

When did the combo price jump from $10 to $12?  Don't they know the economy is still bad?

She overpaid for that jacket!  Maybe it was a Christmas gift?  She's still paying with her dignity.

Am I the only person in the world who is still holding out on the whole skinny jeans trend?

Well check out the Kim Kardashian wannabe. 

Oh.  My.  Flower.  Tights.  That is just 18 variety's of wrong!

Burning in Hell?  Maybe.  Fun?  Absolutely.  Where is your favorite spot to people watch?


  1. THAT is SOOOO funny!!!! Im glad you shared them with me!!!! well... at least the rest of them :) Makes me love you just a smidgen more

    my favorite place to people watch is the sirport...but since we are lacking on an actual air port terminal i like patio dinning... or taco bell-they usually get some great viewing matterial.

    Ill just have to go to the movies super early next time :)

  2. I do not own a pair of skinny jeans. I am in need of some new jeans though, thought about trying them on--can't buy pants without trying them on--while I try on others. I'll let you know.
