Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What's on your mind

Day 15 - Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.

Oh Facebook! Ours is a love/hate relationship. I feel like a slave to its never ending gossip. I once tried to quit for 24 hours, I think I made it to hour 18 or was it 1.8? I really don't know because I felt so cut off from the outside world I think I lost all track of time. Sometimes when I'm out I have to remind myself that I'm out with actual people and it's not normal to FB eachother when we're sitting at the same table sharing nachos. But it happens. I love to snoop on other people's pages that I know but I'm not "friends" with (stop judging me!). Speaking of "friends" I find it odd that I have 143 friends on FB, I could cut that back to about 7 and be ok with it. Because really the other 136 are either there for entertainment purposes or because I didn't want to be rude.

1 comment:

  1. your FB friends are there because youd get bored fb-stalkeing the same 7 people- maybe one day ill be brave enough to go 24 with out fb...but im not ready yet!
