Tuesday, May 3, 2011

All American rejects. . . .

I have some big changes coming at work I'm a little scared about.  I won't get into it right now because this is a PG blog (well sometimes PG-13 but whatever).  So today I started to think about my first real job.  I'm not talking about the extra chores you got paid for or picking corn for 25 cents a bucket (I can't afford the xanex for that therapy session) but my first real job, like taxes deducted, I could have been fired, real.
RGIS Inventory Specialists.
Or as the employees like to refer to it "Rejects".  Yes.  That was their own little nickname for themselves, I kid you not.

Things I learned from this job:
* 10 key
* Working nights sucks! You never sleep well, even on your days off.
* 10 minute smoke breaks every hour is no bueno if you don't smoke.
* Referring to themselves as rejects was the only thing most of these people did right.
* If you do your job efficiently and do it right the first time, you don't get rewarded, you get more work.

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