Friday, May 20, 2011


I confess. . . .

*  I can't bring myself to pay for cable/internet so I am without at home.

*  Before I would have died without my Direct TV.

*  Now I just keep thinking "That's $70 I could spend on something I really want or need"

*  I can still go to my brother's house to catch any sports I don't want to miss (damn you Red Wings!)

*  To prevent my death by boredom I've discovered the library again.

*  Currently I'm watching season 1 of Gilmore Girls.

*  The longer I go without cable, the more I realize how much soul damaging crap is on TV these days.

*  Where's the shows like Growing Pains, Full House, Who's The Boss, Charles In Charge???

*  You know the ones where there was a crisis but the family would pull together in the end and there was a lesson to be learned.

*  Now it's all CSI-SVU who killed this person and who raped that person and reality crap!  Crap I tell you!  

*  By the way does anyone know when the new season of Jersey Shore starts cuz there in Italy and I don't want to miss that. . . . I'm just watching to learn about the country. . . .and stuff. . . .


  1. ROFL!!!!!! I have seasons of some GOOD shows on DVD if you wnat to borrow them... but dont get to cozy! once its starts getting warm and sunny we will be hitting the trails and making s'mores like forest people!!!!

  2. We canceled our cable because Comcast was rude to me. We went without it for a year, and didn't miss a thing. Now that we have Dish, we barely ever watch TV, as a matter of fact in the last 6 months we've watched maybe 20 hours of TV if that. The only reason we have Dish is for my father's work (we have free text boxes, and have to run tests on them).

    TV is just a waste of time, if you really think about it. Take the 70 a month and buy season tickets to a sporting event of your choice. :-) Our bill was almost 160 a month for TV, we bought season tickets to our the indoor Lacrosse games, best decision of our lives!

    Happy Friday!

  3. i miss those shows where the family gathers together to create a happy ending AND a lesson is learned. i can't think of a single show like that...these days!

  4. I pay 20 for DVR and only local channels with Dish (local channels now include basically everything but ESPN and MTV).
    I loved Gilmore Girls and really think you (and everyone else in America) should stop supporting the hookers of the Jersey Shore because then maybe they'd get cancelled.
