Friday, May 13, 2011

Giddy on up, giddy on out. . . .

*  I am ticked at Blogger!

*  My 'We want to know Wednesday' was erased.

*  I tried to recreate but it wasn't the same :(

*  43 days back in my own place and still have not unpacked....just thought you might want to know what I have NOT been doing.

*  Sometimes I burp in front of my boss.

*  Office etiquette?  No, but I figure it makes us even for when he stinks up the bathroom.

*  Do you ever feel like the days just run together?

*  I've had that feeling lately.  Like every week is the same.

*  Tomorrow I am taking my nephew to a PBR event.  It's not the big wig boys but it's still bull riding and who doesn't want this as their date:


  1. I am laughing at: Sometimes I burp in front of my boss!...still laughing...yup, still laughing...

  2. At least it's not his, "Do I look weird" out fit.
