Monday, November 15, 2010

When your down

You know how you always wish you could stay in bed all weekend and just lounge in your p.j.'s and relatively do nothing?  Well I did.  And it sucked.  My back was literally trying to kill me all weekend long.  It hurt to stand, sit, roll over, lay down, cough, laugh, sneeze, in general anything that required movement or to stay still.  In honor of this weekends pain I am tweeking my Monday Music and giving you Monday Movies.  My top 5 movies to watch while stuck in bed (at least the ones that kept me sane this weekend).

5. Karate Kid 1, 2, & 3, and the new one with Jaden Smith ~  The fly swatter is my fav scene..."uhhh that's nasty"

4. Young Guns 1 & 2 ~ "Best dollar eighty I ever spent!"

3. Prince of Persia ~  Jake.  Gyllenhaal.

2.  The Man From Snowy River & Return to Snowy River ~  Love me some Jim Craig!  "There's a dozen good brood mares in there, I'll be back for them....and for whatever else is mine"

1. and my #1 that is getting me through life right now if you haven't seen I highly recommend it.  If your around me for more than 5 minutes you have heard the quotes.....BABY MAMA!  ~ "Then I realized that I am, um, I'm man-no, I'm ma-ok, manorexic. & it's really hard because she's so fat, & I love Christopher so much and he's fat, and I'm afraid that the baby's gonna be fat & it's just me and two fatties."

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