Monday, October 11, 2010

I'm a hazzard to myself.

Well it started out well enough. I got home from work and decided I was going to fight through my headache and go to the gym. I got dressed, laced up my running shoes and as I pulled into the gym parking lot, I realized my headphones were in my truck. The same truck which is somewhere up North hunting elk with my brother.  I cannot workout without music. What would I listen to?  I can tell you, with no headphones, I end up listening to the hum of the machines which is a motivational killer.

On my way to Kmart to buy headphones (at least my 100th pair this year) I remembered these cute flats I had seen a few months earlier. Also, I've been wanting to buy a new movie. I left Kmart 35 minutes later with a new sports bra.

I was feeling kind of down so I decided to go to Arby's and get some mozzarella sticks. Because really that's what every fat girl needs...fried cheese.  At the pay window I decided to add a chocolate shake. I got it for FREE! Yes the guy at the drive through was so nice he just gave it to me. I suddenly felt vindicated. It's surprising what a little chocolately goodness can do to your mood.

Stop judging, it was a small!  And I still need headphones.

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