Friday, September 23, 2011

Maybe this world is another planet's hell.


I confess. . . .

* Tonight is our annual family reunion. 

* I say "annual" but this is only the 2nd year we have done this.

* I already hate it.

* Please don't make me do it again next year.

* 365 days is not a long enough break.

* Last year my mom made us do skits.

* This year my sister is making us do games.

* It's like, where the hell have you 2 been the last 60 years?

* My family does not do skits and games. 

* We do food, we do TV.

* It's ok.  I'm gonna put my big girl pants on, a big smile, and go have fun....or's definitely one of those 2 options.


  1. hahahaha skits...oh, umm...sorry. ;)

    have fun!

    thanks for linking up!!

  2. We do ours every 5 years - much more enjoyable (some of the people not so...some I wish it was more often! LOL)

    I hope we see you post again - which means you had fun!

  3. where do you hold these family reunions? And is it just one evening? Then you'll survive I am sure.
    I can't wait to hear about the fights that ensued during the games.

  4. Ken has a HUGE family that most of them live in AR or TX so when they do reunions, I do vacations or the girls need me somewhere else (the girls and I are not much for this kind of thing at all). HA- of course with between 40 and about 75 at just the holiday things or even sometimes immediate family potlucks you can only imagine why I don't want to be there.

    Try to have fun.
