Wednesday, June 29, 2011

You spilled the haterade ~ Pauly D


{1} What was the last thing you searched for online? 
"business sample letters" My boss thinks I'm a genius at writing letters but really it's all google.
{2} If we visit your home state, what is one MUST we should do before leaving?
Cafe Rio pork burrito.  You will never look at mexican food the same again.
{3} What do you think pharmaceutical companies should invent a pill for that isn't on the market yet?
A cure all.  Whatever ails you, take this pill and everything will be all right.  Cancer, no worries just pop a cure all.  Weight issues, cure all.  Annoying neighbors, Cure. All.
{4} When was your first kiss? Was it good or bad?
5th grade....It was....5th grade, how good could it be?
{5} What is your guilty pleasure tv show that you can not miss?
Jersey Shore....I know Bethany, stop judging me now! 


  1. A cure all pill? Yes! That's amazing. I love it.

  2. I can't tell where you live.. curious about Cafe Rio! Mexican food is pretty big down here in Texas.. bein' close to the border and all...

    Glad you linked up with us!!

  3. Great now I need a pork burrito, Cafe Rio style. You have no idea how bad I dislike you right now. I want it, and nothing else and I can't have it. BOO!

  4. I have never watched Jersey shore... not sure it's for me. I'll stick to Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.

  5. HAHA!!! I Google the same thing!! "Medical letter template" is carved into my harddrive! ... Great minds !
