Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cause Stone Cold says so. . . .

My nephews love, LOVE, watching WWE.  No complaints here, would you rather, 

 John Cena
aka  The Doctor of Thuganomics
signature moves: five knuckle shuffle, attitude adjustment

CM Punk
aka Mr Money in the Bank
signature moves: anaconda vise, go to sleep

Cody Rhodes
aka Dashing
signature moves: Alabama slam, cross rhodes

1 comment:

  1. Tough choice,... tough choice... Im curious as to what the "anaconda vice" and the "5-knuckle-shuffle" is.... either way they sound dirty and im IN!
    but... Im totally a sucker for a great pair of .... thighs ;) and i think Mr Dashing/ Cody could fullful my wildest dreams! Bring it on!
