Thursday, February 24, 2011

For the past week I have looked like this. . . .

 My favorite time of year is when Nascar comes to Las Vegas!  I'm seriously so giddy it may be illegal.  My boss accused me of already checking out last week, little does he know I checked out weeks ago.  I've started to make lists.  I ♥ lists!!  I have one huge list that is then broken up into smaller lists.  A list of what food to bring, which is then broken into a list of food I already have and a list of food to buy.  A list of what clothes to pack.  A list of electronics and chargers.  Then a list of what needs to be picked up at Wal-Mart.  Also, an auto checklist which is probably the most important because there is nothing worse than breaking down on the way to your destination.  Just puts a damper on the whole vacation.

So while I've been excitedly getting ready for the past weeks and just in general having that pre-vacation glow, whenever I mention Nascar to my friends I get this. . . .

Yes, people!  I am a Redneck and I will let my freak flag fly!

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