Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Reason #88 why it's nice to be single....

You can be mad at your stuff and no one is around to make you feel like a crazy person.

For example. Let's say you get home late from a weekend out of town and you have a lot of stuff to carry in and the house is dark because you didn't leave any lights on. As you make your way inside and try to fumble for the light switch you feel one of your packages starting to slip. It is at this point that you have to make a split second decision to let it go or risk dropping everything. I chose to not only let it go but throw it with force against the wall and curse at it for being weak and not holding on. I was only a few steps away from your resting place you blasted scissors!

That was 2 days ago. I am currently refusing to pick them up because they are stupid and weak and make me mad.

So their still there.

Just lying on the floor.

In a heap.

In the hallway.

Now see if I actually had a significant other I would have to explain why the scissors have been laying there for 2 days when I'm capable of picking them up and then he would dump me for being crazy and getting mad at scissors. Thus, leaving me once again single and alone. Its a vicious cycle.

1 comment:

  1. #88 reason why you have kids . . . to pick up after you :)
