Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How you doin. . . .

Would you rather Wednesday. . . .

Joey Tibbiani

Ross Geller

or funny man Chandler Bing??

It's that time of year. . . .

Welcome back Mamarazzi, welcome back!


It's that time of year when we all have to take a good, hard look at ourselves and determine to change all the things that we don't like.  Don't worry next week you can go back to normal.

{1} What was the best part of 2011?
My brother got married.  None of us ever thought he would but he surprised us!

{2} What do you look forward to in 2012?
What is it about a new year that looks so exciting.  I'm just hoping to make this year better than the last year. 

{3} Do you actually keep your New Year resolutions?
I don't usually do New Year resolutions.  I may set a few short term goals this year.  I've really been trying to make some small positive changes.

{4} What are your top 3 resolutions for the new year?
*Day trips....For a while my family use to go on these day trips once a month.  Rules are it has to be somewhere you can go to and back in one day.  The idea was to have a mini vacation without spending a lot of money.  Of course it gets harder as the kids get older and get more involved with things and money is tight.  One month we went to Lehman Caves, then another month to the Lost City Museum, and once hiked the Temple Quarry Trail here in town.  It doesn't have to be a big event just something we all do together and its always really fun.

*Take a vacation....I want to travel to somewhere far off.  I haven't traveled in over 6 years when I went to Alaska and it was quite literally one of the highlights of my life.  I always talk about somewhere I want to go or something I want to see but never have the time or money.
*Budget....I do pretty good with my money but sometimes I get fed up with having to be a responsible adult and go off the deep end and purchase something completely useless and unnecessary.  Well not this year.  Obviously resolution # 1&2 are going to take money so I have to make some better financial decisions this year.

{5} Do you have any fun new years traditions or plans?
Nope and nope.  I'm still trying to put together a last ditch plan to head to Vegas for New Years but I think we procrastinated too long and its going to cost too much (see I am responsible) so we may shoot for next year.  As long as I end up on a dark dance floor kissing a handsome stranger I won't care where I am!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Saved by the Bell. . . .

Would you rather Wednesday

Zack Morris

A.C. Slater

 or Screech.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Tellin it like it is. . . .

I've been hearing a lot about these "Elf on a shelf".  Once again my sister-in-law was way ahead of the curve and these elves are no shelf elves.  Go big or go home right?  

Meet Buddy and Miley

As you can see the kids looooove when they visit. Buddy and Miley have been staying with the Madison family for years.  They show up just after Thanksgiving, keep those little hooligans in line, and then hitch a ride back with Santa on Christmas Eve.  Just like Elf on a shelf they move around at night and get into all sorts of chaos blah, blah, blah.  This is the funny thing.  Today I came across this "People I want to punch in the throat".  I. Cried. Literal. Tears.  Seriously, it is so funny!  I don't know how mom's do half the crap they do but sometimes it's nice to read a blog that isn't all sunflowers and rainbows. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Would you rather Wednesday. . . .

True Blood edition.

Ryan Kwanten

Stephen Moyer

Alexander Skarsgard

Joe Manganiello




Monday, November 14, 2011

She illuminated the stage. . . .

Ashely was Lumiere in Beauty and the Beast last weekend.  She was AH-mazing! 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Mother may I. . . .

Is it wrong to want these ????

Yes?  Ok, moving on....

Friday, November 4, 2011

Never put off today what you can to tomor. . . .

Hot damn I love Friday! Confessing is just good for the soul.


* I hate the new FB.

* Just needed to say that.

* My brother and his wife had twins! YAY!

* A boy (Jaxton) and a girl (Jailee).

* I may or may not have given them a complex about Jaxton's nose.

* Whaaaat? I just said.... it was....more....defined than the Jailee's.

* That's all.

* And maybe, kinda laughed a little. Just a little.

* But that's it.

* And also said it was huge.

* I swear that is all!

* I have a new roomate moving in next week.

* And if you know me AT ALL you will not be surprised when I confess that her room is not ready.

* It has a few boxes that need to be consolidated and moved.

* But let's be real. It took me months to unpack my needed essentials.  I'll probably wait until she's carrying her stuff in before I move the boxes.

* Because if there is one thing I never fail at, its procrastination.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist.


1. Do you shop til you drop, or are you in and out as quick as possible?
It really just depends on how deep my pockets are that day.  If I have a little extra cash to blow I like to peruse and buy something I don't really need and will most likely never use.  Because really nothing kicks in my endorphins like disposable income.

2. Are you a price conscious shopper?
Yes and no.  For large items, yes.  I shop around for a loooong time watching prices and waiting for a good deal until sometimes I talk myself out of the purchase all together.  However, I'm not going to waste a gallon of gas to drive all the way to Wal-Mart so I can save a $1 on toilet paper.

3. What store could you spend HOURS in?
Ikea.  And I would buy 8 of everything.

4. What is the most frivolous purchase you have ever made?

Sweet mother of mercy I cannot get rid of this thing! I bought it because I have a bad back and I like to sit in bed and read so obviously my next step would be to buy a massaging back rest with a cup holder....Uhm NO!  I hate it and have given it away several times even tried to throw it away only to have someone say "Oh I'll take it" then somehow it ends up back with me!
5. What was the last thing you bought for yourself?
I'm guessing by "bought for yourself" you mean something fun, not Coke and leave in conditioner, because those are essentials! can't remember.  Does that mean I get an A+ in not-pampering-yourself-because-your-job-sucks-and-you-haven't-got-a-raise-in-over-a-year?  Yep passed that class with flying colors.  Usually my feel good shopping item is clothes but I have put the kibosh on that until I drop a few lb's.  So don't expect to see me in anything new for a decade.... or until Del Taco goes out of business, whichever is sooner.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Reason #88 why it's nice to be single....

You can be mad at your stuff and no one is around to make you feel like a crazy person.

For example. Let's say you get home late from a weekend out of town and you have a lot of stuff to carry in and the house is dark because you didn't leave any lights on. As you make your way inside and try to fumble for the light switch you feel one of your packages starting to slip. It is at this point that you have to make a split second decision to let it go or risk dropping everything. I chose to not only let it go but throw it with force against the wall and curse at it for being weak and not holding on. I was only a few steps away from your resting place you blasted scissors!

That was 2 days ago. I am currently refusing to pick them up because they are stupid and weak and make me mad.

So their still there.

Just lying on the floor.

In a heap.

In the hallway.

Now see if I actually had a significant other I would have to explain why the scissors have been laying there for 2 days when I'm capable of picking them up and then he would dump me for being crazy and getting mad at scissors. Thus, leaving me once again single and alone. Its a vicious cycle.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

In other news. . . .

Tom Brady got a hair cut.

Welcome back Mr. Brady....welcome back.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Maybe this world is another planet's hell.


I confess. . . .

* Tonight is our annual family reunion. 

* I say "annual" but this is only the 2nd year we have done this.

* I already hate it.

* Please don't make me do it again next year.

* 365 days is not a long enough break.

* Last year my mom made us do skits.

* This year my sister is making us do games.

* It's like, where the hell have you 2 been the last 60 years?

* My family does not do skits and games. 

* We do food, we do TV.

* It's ok.  I'm gonna put my big girl pants on, a big smile, and go have fun....or's definitely one of those 2 options.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A day in the life. . . .

Just in case you were wondering (and I know you are), I thought I'd share my Wednesday with you.

7:40am - alarm goes off.
7:49am - alarm goes off again.
7:58am - alarm goes off for a third time and dog starts to get restless.
8:07am - alarm goes off, get out of bed and let Lacie out to do her business.
8:11am - let Lacie in and check paws for foxtails.
8:14am - shower.
8:42am - try to decide if I have time for make up or take it to do at work.
8:43am - check clock notice I should have left for work 3 minutes ago.
8:47am - make up complete.
8:48am - notice my lucky 88 earrings are not in special box where they are ALWAYS kept.
8:49am - Update Facebook status so everyone is on alert about the earrings.
8:50am - pack lunch.
8:53am - consider have cold cereal or toast for breakfast but settle on left over rice.
8:59am - leave for work.
9:14am - arrive at work, turn on computer, turn up air, check messages.
9:27am - Holly delivers ribs for reunion dinner this weekend, didn't get to see Maizee. Not Happy.
9:39am - return messages, answer phone, check orders, check Facebook, and do work.
11:27am - shuffle papers around on my desk and pretend to be busy when my boss comes in to pick up parts for the day.
11:32am - resume Facebook stalking.
12:06pm - receive text message from boss asking me if I remembered to order a part that he requested.
12:06pm - respond yes.
12:07pm - order part.
12:14pm - write WWTK post.
12:24pm - publish WWTK post.
12:37pm - text Ryanne a bunch of FHE ideas that she'll probably never use but makes me look genius even though I stole them online.
12:57pm - switch phone to machine and warm up potato soup for lunch that was forced on me the night before by my loving sister in law.
1:04pm - consider calling Bethany but start to cry instead.
1:16pm - text Lora to tell her how good the soup is.
1:17pm - resist the urge to go to Del Taco.
1:20pm - call Bethany.
1:21pm - leave Bethany awkward message.
1:24pm - check to decide on gift for baby shower this Saturday.
1:47pm - online shopping unsuccessful.
1:48pm - catch up on all my favorite blogs and leave witty comments.
2:04pm - decide to catch up on Heartland.
2:45pm - yell at customer for swearing at me and interrupting my online tv show.
2:49pm - heat up left over queso from Applebee's last night.
3:01pm - silently curse boss for calling me to look up parts while my queso gets cold.
3:02pm - reheat queso
3:04pm - first Coke of the day....refreshing!
3:11pm - accidentally burped while leaving a customer a message regarding their refrigerator.
4:27pm - watch Days of Our Lives on Hulu.
4:47pm - answer phone....WHY WON'T THESE DAMN PEOPLE LEAVE ME ALONE SO I CAN FINISH MY SHOW....oh yeah I'm still at work.
5:39pm - finish DOOL
5:45pm - email schedules for the next day.
5:48pm - text Cynthia to see if she knows a good Zumba class. (I miss Zumba since I cut the gym from my budget)
5:57pm - sneak out of work 3 minutes early.
6:09pm - let Lacie out to do her business
6:10pm - decide to go running (FREE) instead of Zumba ($5)
6:12pm - craving chocolate.
6:13pm - update Facebook status so everyone is up to date on the whole chocolate debacle.
6:21pm - get text from Ry to go to In-N-Out.
6:27pm - ditch work out plans for a double-double.
6:29pm - let Lacie in and check paws for foxtails.
6:33pm - get 2 blocks away and realize I left my purse at home.
6:34pm - curse loudly.
6:37pm - leave house for second time.
6:45pm - jam out to Black Eyed Peas 'I Got a Feelin' while driving to In-N-Out.
6:46pm - feel bad for people stacked up in Del Taco drive thru who are obviously fully unaware that In-N-Out is 100 x better.
7:05pm - first bite of double-double, even better than I imagined!
7:08pm - engage in witty conversation with Ry.
8:07pm - head home from In-N-Out.
8:23pm - put on sweats and veg out on sofa watching HIMYM.
9:09pm - celebrate news that Yankees have made playoffs.
9:56pm - wash face, floss, fix toe nail polish.
10:48pm - walk Lacie.
11:07pm - get in bed and read.
11:56pm - lights out.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

TV: It's the menace that everyone loves to hate but can't seem to live without.

Hosted by Mamarazzi and Queso


Disclaimer:  I don't currently have cable or satellite programming so if it's not on DVD or online I'm not watching it.  Also, I have been very surprised, although good surprise, at how much content is available for free online.  Best part limited to no commercials.

{1} What is your MUST SEE show?
Heartland.  I watch it every Wednesday and Thursday while my boss is out of town and it's been on for like 7 seasons so I have a lot to catch up.

{2} What shows are you most excited to watch this season?
I love CW!  They have all their shows online (including Gossip Girl).  Luckily I get tv time at my brother's once in a while and caught this commercial for a new show. 

Looks good!

{3} How many hours a week do you actually watch TV?
During the work week I watch about 5-6 hours.  Don't worry I make up for it on Saturday, college football.  All. Day. Long.

{4} Do you think TV has gotten too "racy" (vulgar, pushing the limit, etc) ?
Yes, yes, and yes.  And I will admit that I watch some of the racy stuff, but I do have my limits.

{5} How many TVs do you have in your house?

Friday, September 16, 2011

From the Pacific Ocean to the Jersey Shore. . . .


I confess. . . .

* At karaoke this week there was a guy, in western wear, and he was asian.

* He sang some Johnny Cash and I could not believe the pipes on this guy.  Amazing!

* We started to refer to him as the "Asian Cowboy"

* Which made me feel a little racist.

* Until he came to our table and said "It's not everyday you see an Asian Cowboy"

* I know, right!

* I finally finished the 1st Hunger Games book.

* Yes, I am fully aware that I am 3 years late to the party.

* That's how I roll.  Always gotta make an entrance.

* Oddly enough I found myself really liking the book.

* Even though it's about a bunch of teenagers fighting to the death.

* Explain that one to me.

* I've also discovered that I love Canadian television.

* They still make good wholesome tv shows that you can watch with your grandma or a small child.

* Not like Jersey Shore where you have to wait at least 1  hour after everyone is asleep.

No Snooki flashing your cooka and ta-ta's all over Italy is the furthest thing from wholesome and just makes everyone hate Americans even more....but I'm still going to watch.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hail to the Victors. . . .

Saturday night was a night to remember. An NCAA record of 114,804 people packed their way into the Big House to witness the first ever Michigan football game played at Michigan Stadium “Under the Lights” with a final score of Michigan 35, Notre Dame 31.

It will go down as one of the greatest games in Michigan football history (or maybe just the greatest 4th quarter).  With 2 seconds left in the game (TWO SECONDS!!!), Roy Roundtree made the catch of his life from Robinson to score a touchdown.

ESPN kept cutting back to footage of the celebration that lasted into the wee hours of Sunday morning.

114,804 attended the game.  I was not one of them.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

There's been a death. . . .

It has been stormy the last few days.  Sunday was especially bad with a lot of thunder.  Lacie doesn't like thunder.  She felt the need to make this known by killing the blinds while I was at church.

Not cool.

Wherever you go, there you are. . . .


{1} What are 3 must haves for a long road trip?
Music, puzzle book, shoes off.

{2} What was the destination of your most recent road trip?
Holi Festival. (damn that was in April, I need to get out more)

{3} What do you miss most about home when on a trip?

{4} What is the furthest you have traveled on a road trip?
Once when I was younger my family drove to Michigan (we also drove from Michigan when we moved but I was too little to remember much about that).  It was awful.  I had the kind of dad that never stops for the bathroom and I was in the back seat between my 2 older brothers with my feet on the hump.

{5} Will you "stop for the largest ball of twine, etc" or are you a "hurry and get there" road tripper?
Totally stop!  You never know when you will be back.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 30 -

A photograph of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days.

3.  My brother got married.  (After dating her for about 20 years it was the obvious next step and we're all very happy.)

2.  I found some really cute shoes online for $12 including shipping!  Then I didn't like them but because they were closeout I couldn't return them.  No problem, I sold them on ebay for $30! (Cuz I'm awesome!)

1.  After living in my house for 5 months....I finally unpacked!
(just don't look in the spare room)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 29 - Something you could never get tired of doing.

Can never get enough of chocolate YUM!

and if you haven't seen 'Grown Ups', really?  I mean really?  What are you waiting for?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 28 - Your favorite movie.

How do you pick one all time favorite movie?  It's impossible!  There are so many classics, but this one is quotable from beginning to end and so hilarious so I picked it.

 Is it okay if I just spray a little pam down there before the baby comes out?
You have to admit it's a valid suggestion.

 I'm sorry I farted into your purse.

 I'm sorry I broke one of your rules!
YOU PEED IN THE SINK! Isn't that against everyone's rules?

Yes.  I'm expecting again.
Expecting what?  A Social Security check?

And my all time favorite. . . .

Did you just stick your gum under my coffee table?
I don't know.
What do you mean, you don't know? You think you're at an Arby's right now?
You know what? I wish I was at an Arby's 'cause there's better food and cooler people there!
Did you stick *all* this gum under here?
I don't know! Maybe you stuck some of it under there.
Yeah, actually, you might be right. 'Cause sometimes, when I work a really long day, I like to come home and chew a huge wad of Bubblicious gum and stick it under my reclaimed barnwood coffee table!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 27 - A picture of you last year and now and how you changed since then?

1 year ago. . . .

and now. . . .

My hair is a little lighter but nothing else has changed.  That's a little sad.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 26 - A photo of somewhere you've been to.

A few years ago I went to Alaska with my brother and some of his friends.  It was awesome!  I hope to go back again someday. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 25 - What's in your purse?

Besides the usual driver's license and debit card. . . .

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 23 - 15 facts about you.

15 ~ I know I have mentioned this on here before but I am the youngest of 6 kids and my mom still refers to my as her 'baby'.  Not cool mom, not cool.

14 ~ I am a music nut.  Not like in the cool indie stuff no one has ever heard of.  I like the really popular songs that no one likes to admit to but somehow they sell millions and millions of records.  Katy P, B. Spears, and T-swizzle.  Yep all the good stuff.

13 ~ I love vintage cowboy boots. 

12 ~ I have a very loud laugh that is only tolerable if you love me....a lot!

11 ~ I have a problem with procrastination. Well I don't necessarily have a problem with it but everyone around me has a problem with my procrastination.

10 ~ I've always wanted to know how to pole dance.  Settle.  Down.  Nobody's dancin for the groceries or anything I just think it would be fun to be like "yes I'm mormon, I don't drink, I don't sleep around, but I can do THIS" and then like flip upside down on a pole or something really, really crazy!

9 ~ My favorite number is 56.

8 ~ I miss wearing tank tops.

7 ~ I want to meet someone special I really do.  But, when someone smiles at me I don't usually think "oh nice! Potential suitor" even if he's really cute, I'm usually thinking "what the hell is he lookin at??"

6 ~ I'm a pretty phenomenal dancer in the club.  On a scale of 1-10 I'm easily a 9.

5 ~ I have this thing for super tall guys who are teddy bearish and huggable. Example: Marshall (Jason Segel) from How I Met Your Mother. I don’t really fancy the thin guys.

4 ~ I love kids!  I really love talking and spending time with kids. They never fail to make me feel happy.

3 ~ I love ketchup, like love, love it.

2 ~ I often spread myself too thin, which causes a lot of stress.

1 ~ I. Am. Funny.  I'm not kidding.  People love me. 

Can you hear me now. . . .


{1}Do you prefer to text or call?
Text.  I like that I can take time to think about my response.  My brother text me something a few months ago that, unintentionally, really hurt my feelings and if he had called I would have said a lot of things I didn't mean.  Instead I was able to cool off and handle the situation rationally, even if I still don't agree.  Also, if I don't want to talk to them texts are a lot easier to ignore.

{2}What is the last text message in your phone and who is it from?
"One ring, ten rings what difference does it make?  U still don't answer my calls"
My friend Nick who thinks I ignore his phone calls even after I explained it only rang once before going to voicemail.

{3}What are your favorite phone apps?
My new photo editor I just downloaded last week.

{4}At what age do you think kids are ready for a cell phone?
I would say if you can afford it, early teen.  My nieces are almost 14 and it has been quite convenient.  Now if I could just train them that "tell Melyssa to get off the computer" is not an emergency and don't disturb Aunt Erin at work!!

{5}Share a current pic or video taken with your phone.
I took this photo on Saturday after the Cornfest we were walking back to my mom's house and I had asked Mckenzie to hold Tayson's hand to make sure he didn't stop walking.  There were red ants all over the trail and I was afraid he'd stop right on an ant hill or hold still long enough for one to bite him.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 22 - A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.

Dear Bathroom Scale,

It's not me, it's you.

I invited you into my loving home and this is the thanks I get.  Oh yes we've had good times like when I had the flu and lost 15 pounds in less than a month or when I joined the gym and lost another 10 (remember that time Tayson peed on you....priceless).  But lately all we share are tears.

I don't know about you but I can't live like this any longer!  I've held on for so long because it's just so hard to find good help these days.  No more.  You are useless and lazy.  I work hard all day while you just lay around on the floor.  The only thing I've ever asked of you is to lie to me.  But NOoooooo!  I guess that was asking too much wasn't it?

Well have fun at the landfill traitor!
