Wednesday, September 21, 2011

TV: It's the menace that everyone loves to hate but can't seem to live without.

Hosted by Mamarazzi and Queso


Disclaimer:  I don't currently have cable or satellite programming so if it's not on DVD or online I'm not watching it.  Also, I have been very surprised, although good surprise, at how much content is available for free online.  Best part limited to no commercials.

{1} What is your MUST SEE show?
Heartland.  I watch it every Wednesday and Thursday while my boss is out of town and it's been on for like 7 seasons so I have a lot to catch up.

{2} What shows are you most excited to watch this season?
I love CW!  They have all their shows online (including Gossip Girl).  Luckily I get tv time at my brother's once in a while and caught this commercial for a new show. 

Looks good!

{3} How many hours a week do you actually watch TV?
During the work week I watch about 5-6 hours.  Don't worry I make up for it on Saturday, college football.  All. Day. Long.

{4} Do you think TV has gotten too "racy" (vulgar, pushing the limit, etc) ?
Yes, yes, and yes.  And I will admit that I watch some of the racy stuff, but I do have my limits.

{5} How many TVs do you have in your house?


  1. racy moderation, it's all good.

    thanks for linking up!!

  2. I haven't seen (or heard of) Heartland. I don't know how we lived before DVRing through commercials.
