Thursday, September 22, 2011

A day in the life. . . .

Just in case you were wondering (and I know you are), I thought I'd share my Wednesday with you.

7:40am - alarm goes off.
7:49am - alarm goes off again.
7:58am - alarm goes off for a third time and dog starts to get restless.
8:07am - alarm goes off, get out of bed and let Lacie out to do her business.
8:11am - let Lacie in and check paws for foxtails.
8:14am - shower.
8:42am - try to decide if I have time for make up or take it to do at work.
8:43am - check clock notice I should have left for work 3 minutes ago.
8:47am - make up complete.
8:48am - notice my lucky 88 earrings are not in special box where they are ALWAYS kept.
8:49am - Update Facebook status so everyone is on alert about the earrings.
8:50am - pack lunch.
8:53am - consider have cold cereal or toast for breakfast but settle on left over rice.
8:59am - leave for work.
9:14am - arrive at work, turn on computer, turn up air, check messages.
9:27am - Holly delivers ribs for reunion dinner this weekend, didn't get to see Maizee. Not Happy.
9:39am - return messages, answer phone, check orders, check Facebook, and do work.
11:27am - shuffle papers around on my desk and pretend to be busy when my boss comes in to pick up parts for the day.
11:32am - resume Facebook stalking.
12:06pm - receive text message from boss asking me if I remembered to order a part that he requested.
12:06pm - respond yes.
12:07pm - order part.
12:14pm - write WWTK post.
12:24pm - publish WWTK post.
12:37pm - text Ryanne a bunch of FHE ideas that she'll probably never use but makes me look genius even though I stole them online.
12:57pm - switch phone to machine and warm up potato soup for lunch that was forced on me the night before by my loving sister in law.
1:04pm - consider calling Bethany but start to cry instead.
1:16pm - text Lora to tell her how good the soup is.
1:17pm - resist the urge to go to Del Taco.
1:20pm - call Bethany.
1:21pm - leave Bethany awkward message.
1:24pm - check to decide on gift for baby shower this Saturday.
1:47pm - online shopping unsuccessful.
1:48pm - catch up on all my favorite blogs and leave witty comments.
2:04pm - decide to catch up on Heartland.
2:45pm - yell at customer for swearing at me and interrupting my online tv show.
2:49pm - heat up left over queso from Applebee's last night.
3:01pm - silently curse boss for calling me to look up parts while my queso gets cold.
3:02pm - reheat queso
3:04pm - first Coke of the day....refreshing!
3:11pm - accidentally burped while leaving a customer a message regarding their refrigerator.
4:27pm - watch Days of Our Lives on Hulu.
4:47pm - answer phone....WHY WON'T THESE DAMN PEOPLE LEAVE ME ALONE SO I CAN FINISH MY SHOW....oh yeah I'm still at work.
5:39pm - finish DOOL
5:45pm - email schedules for the next day.
5:48pm - text Cynthia to see if she knows a good Zumba class. (I miss Zumba since I cut the gym from my budget)
5:57pm - sneak out of work 3 minutes early.
6:09pm - let Lacie out to do her business
6:10pm - decide to go running (FREE) instead of Zumba ($5)
6:12pm - craving chocolate.
6:13pm - update Facebook status so everyone is up to date on the whole chocolate debacle.
6:21pm - get text from Ry to go to In-N-Out.
6:27pm - ditch work out plans for a double-double.
6:29pm - let Lacie in and check paws for foxtails.
6:33pm - get 2 blocks away and realize I left my purse at home.
6:34pm - curse loudly.
6:37pm - leave house for second time.
6:45pm - jam out to Black Eyed Peas 'I Got a Feelin' while driving to In-N-Out.
6:46pm - feel bad for people stacked up in Del Taco drive thru who are obviously fully unaware that In-N-Out is 100 x better.
7:05pm - first bite of double-double, even better than I imagined!
7:08pm - engage in witty conversation with Ry.
8:07pm - head home from In-N-Out.
8:23pm - put on sweats and veg out on sofa watching HIMYM.
9:09pm - celebrate news that Yankees have made playoffs.
9:56pm - wash face, floss, fix toe nail polish.
10:48pm - walk Lacie.
11:07pm - get in bed and read.
11:56pm - lights out.


  1. That's right, you did call me. I didn't get your message in the allotted time you gave . . . why were you crying?
    And seriously, why would Holly even come without Maize? She must have pregnant brain (doubled)!

  2. BWahahahahahahahahahahahaha ----- That is SO GREAT!!!!!!! and um, I already have 3 of those stolen FHE ideas in the WORKS!!! Mmmmmmm double-double *wipes drool off face*
