Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 23 - 15 facts about you.

15 ~ I know I have mentioned this on here before but I am the youngest of 6 kids and my mom still refers to my as her 'baby'.  Not cool mom, not cool.

14 ~ I am a music nut.  Not like in the cool indie stuff no one has ever heard of.  I like the really popular songs that no one likes to admit to but somehow they sell millions and millions of records.  Katy P, B. Spears, and T-swizzle.  Yep all the good stuff.

13 ~ I love vintage cowboy boots. 

12 ~ I have a very loud laugh that is only tolerable if you love me....a lot!

11 ~ I have a problem with procrastination. Well I don't necessarily have a problem with it but everyone around me has a problem with my procrastination.

10 ~ I've always wanted to know how to pole dance.  Settle.  Down.  Nobody's dancin for the groceries or anything I just think it would be fun to be like "yes I'm mormon, I don't drink, I don't sleep around, but I can do THIS" and then like flip upside down on a pole or something really, really crazy!

9 ~ My favorite number is 56.

8 ~ I miss wearing tank tops.

7 ~ I want to meet someone special I really do.  But, when someone smiles at me I don't usually think "oh nice! Potential suitor" even if he's really cute, I'm usually thinking "what the hell is he lookin at??"

6 ~ I'm a pretty phenomenal dancer in the club.  On a scale of 1-10 I'm easily a 9.

5 ~ I have this thing for super tall guys who are teddy bearish and huggable. Example: Marshall (Jason Segel) from How I Met Your Mother. I don’t really fancy the thin guys.

4 ~ I love kids!  I really love talking and spending time with kids. They never fail to make me feel happy.

3 ~ I love ketchup, like love, love it.

2 ~ I often spread myself too thin, which causes a lot of stress.

1 ~ I. Am. Funny.  I'm not kidding.  People love me. 


  1. I LOVE YOU!!!!! and I love the infectious laugh (but i love the squeel that accompnaies scary movies even more!! )

  2. #5, what! seriously? I mean do you remember who you were married too? Yeah, I guess I get it I wouldn't like skinny guys either.
    Jake loves ketchup and you really are hilarious!
