Saturday, September 4, 2010

Your only hurting yourself

Day 4 - Something you have to forgive someone for.

I've never really been one to hold grudges. So I'm not going to pick one thing because that would be like saying its the worst thing that's ever happened to me. At the same time there are things in my life that I have to re-forgive people for every now and again. Sometimes you'll think you've forgiven someone for a wrong and out of no where you'll start to have feelings of anger all over again. However, I've seen enough in life to know that holding back forgiveness from someone, even if they haven't asked for it, is the worst thing you can do to you. It takes a lot of energy to hate someone and usually the person who has wronged you has long since moved on.


  1. then quit bringing up the books and the lunch table fight. I said I was sorry!

  2. Sorry doesn't cut it. You will never live down the lunch table fight.
