Friday, March 18, 2011

A life without love is like a year without summer.


I confess. . . .

* I have missed confessing!

* Going to 1 Nascar race a year is just not cutting it.

* I am not liking these gas prices.

* I'm getting old enough that I find myself frequently using the phrase "when I was younger".

* I don't like that.

* I'm so ready for it to be warm.

* If only so I can complain about the 1OO degree temperatures.

* I'm also ready for camping, 4 wheeling, and Monday night BBQ's.

What about you? Ready for summer?


  1. Confessing is good for the soul!

    I'm the same way about the weather. If it's cold I want it warmer, but then god forbid it gets over 78!

    Have a fun weekend :)

  2. Totally ready for summer! Thinking about cutting out of work early to go sit in the sun; it's about 78 here and wonderful. Happy Friday.

  3. love that you are back to confessing were most def missed!

  4. as I sat at K's soccer game today (84) I thought, "it's that time of year when I start to hate Florida." I do not, I repeat, DO NOT look forward to summers here. The only good thing about summer is the chance I may get home, slim chance but I always hope.

  5. AND . . . . I did try to get you to come to Daytona.

  6. The gas prices are awful!! Dont they know they could be keeping me from camping this summer with those prices!?

  7. Yes! I'm ready for the warm (I'll take HOT) weather. But not sure if I'm ready for kids to be out of school yet.
