1. Do you shop til you drop, or are you in and out as quick as possible?
It really just depends on how deep my pockets are that day. If I have a little extra cash to blow I like to peruse and buy something I don't really need and will most likely never use. Because really nothing kicks in my endorphins like disposable income.
2. Are you a price conscious shopper?
Yes and no. For large items, yes. I shop around for a loooong time watching prices and waiting for a good deal until sometimes I talk myself out of the purchase all together. However, I'm not going to waste a gallon of gas to drive all the way to Wal-Mart so I can save a $1 on toilet paper.
3. What store could you spend HOURS in?
Ikea. And I would buy 8 of everything.
4. What is the most frivolous purchase you have ever made?
Sweet mother of mercy I cannot get rid of this thing! I bought it because I have a bad back and I like to sit in bed and read so obviously my next step would be to buy a massaging back rest with a cup holder....Uhm NO! I hate it and have given it away several times even tried to throw it away only to have someone say "Oh I'll take it" then somehow it ends up back with me!
5. What was the last thing you bought for yourself?
I'm guessing by "bought for yourself" you mean something fun, not Coke and leave in conditioner, because those are essentials! Uhm...............yeah...................wow...........I can't remember. Does that mean I get an A+ in not-pampering-yourself-because-your-job-sucks-and-you-haven't-got-a-raise-in-over-a-year? Yep passed that class with flying colors. Usually my feel good shopping item is clothes but I have put the kibosh on that until I drop a few lb's. So don't expect to see me in anything new for a decade.... or until Del Taco goes out of business, whichever is sooner.