Wednesday, May 11, 2011

We got each other Sharin’ the laughter and love.


{1} What game show have you always thought you could be on and totally WIN!
Press Your Luck!  I don't think I could win but I love saying "No whammies, no whammies!"
{2} Do you have a tattoo(s)? What are they and what made you chose them? If not, would you get one, yes/no/why?
No.  I don't have one, and I would not get one.  I just don't think I could live with something permanently etched on my body.  I can't even commit to a hair color how could I commit to a tattoo?

{3} What is your favorite piece of jewelry that you own?
My 88 earrings.  I think they're lucky.  Not that I've ever gotten lucky while wearing them but still. . . .

{4} What is your driving pet peeve(s)?
People who will speed up so you cannot change lanes.
Drivers in the next vehicle applying make up, texting, staring at me, etc. 
Back seat drivers.
Passengers who touch the stereo.
Passengers who adjust the heat/air.
Passengers who sing with the radio but don't know the words.
Passengers who talk too much.

{5} What was your favorite sitcom growing up that you wish was still on?
Growing Pains.  

I love me some Kirk Cameron!

1 comment:

  1. I AM A PASSANGER!!!! I SING TO THE RADIO!!! *gulp* this is going to be a long road trip!
