Mamarazzi has a new linky party on Wednesday's. While I'll never love it like I love 'Friday Confessional' I had nothing better to do at work today than fill out a questionaire. . . .right?
The theme of the Q&A this week is Friendship:
{1} Do you make friends easily?
No. In fact it's extremely difficult for me. It's very rare for me to add someone to my circle of friends. But, once you're in the circle, you're a lifer.
{2} What 3 qualities are a must in a friend?
Sense of humor - If you can't make me laugh or don't laugh at my jokes (gasp! that NEVER happens) we aren't going to be friends for long.
Confidence (not cocky) - I absolutely hate, hate when someone nees constant reassurance that their somebody special.
Have a life - My family will always be more important to me than you. . . .learn to deal with that.
{3} What makes you a good friend?
I think I'm a good listener. I try to listen more than give advice. While I consider myself to be an honest person, I'm not the kind of person that believes honesty is always the best policy. If you wear a pair of pants that make your butt look so big you look like one of those rap guys girlfriends, I'm probably not going to tell you. You own a mirror, don't make me be the one to crush your soul. However, if I think it's a serious enough issue such as: "your boyfriends a total jerk off" you better believe I'm gonna tell you and I'm NOT gonna sugar coat it.
I'm a go with the flow kinda girl, so if you cancel on me last minute or your 15 minutes late to our lunch date, don't sweat it! It happens to the best of us, I won't rip your head off and remind you every 5 minutes how late you were.
{4} Have you ever met a bloggy friend in real life?
I have a few friends that follow my blog that I've known for a while, and 1 for life (Hi Beth!). However, I've never met any of my bloggy friends that I've met through my blog.
{5} Who is your best friend? Tell us about them.
I'm lucky enough to have 2! Sorry I can't pick a #1 but if I'm forced to, it's got to be Bethany if only because I know April doesn't read my blog.
This is me and Bethany, in our HS days, at the US/Mexico border waiting for them to search our bus and determine we don't have any contraband that we are trying to sneak back into the US.
I like to call her my "built in BFF". See we are also family, so it's like. . . . she has to love me.
And this is April and me, again in my HS days (they're so BFF that I have no recent photos of us, that's just how we roll). Every summer April's family would invite me (or I hid in the trailer either way I got to go) to go camping with them for a whole week on Boulder Mountain. It is beautiful! The mountains, the rivers, the lakes, the fishing, the boys!
So many fun memories!