Summer is almost over....
and thank goodness because I can't take many more of these days over 100 degrees. IT IS SO FREAKIN HOT HERE! Other than the heat life is good. Ian & Lora are finally here. I went to lunch today with Lora and the kids, it was so good to see them even if just for half hour. They are so fun to be around. It was great to be able to see Beth and her kids, Kaitlyn is just the cutest! This has just been a really fun summer. I got my new 88 diecast the other day so I thought I'd post a pic of all my diecasts so far.
Michigan and Utah? I guess I better get up-to-date on the football season coming up. And thanks for thinking by kids are cute. Also, sorry about last night, my phone died, but we are still wondering how attractive 88 is knowing he wets himself.