Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cause Stone Cold says so. . . .

My nephews love, LOVE, watching WWE.  No complaints here, would you rather, 

 John Cena
aka  The Doctor of Thuganomics
signature moves: five knuckle shuffle, attitude adjustment

CM Punk
aka Mr Money in the Bank
signature moves: anaconda vise, go to sleep

Cody Rhodes
aka Dashing
signature moves: Alabama slam, cross rhodes

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Donate to the D.I. . . .

Have you noticed the new trend on FB?  Yard Sales.  
 (I obviously did not create this card because I know the difference between sale and sail, just sayin')

Yay for you if you can sell that ab roller you desperately had to buy for swim suit season but instead used it to hang your bra's on to dry.  I'm not against people selling their unwanted items.  I am against people being wimps about it.  Here's what I see.

seller: (such and such item) $10
buyer: My husband will only let me go as high as $8??
seller: Sorry my husband says I have to sell for $10 since I spent $483 on it.

What. The. Hell. People!
First of all I seriously saw a post the other day that the lady's offer was $2 less than the sellers asking price and she wouldn't budge.  AND I know these girls, they are in my ward, neither is hurting for money but apparently someone has to win in this price debacle.

The other thing I see A LOT is the "let me consult my husband".  Girl, PLEEEZE, you're probably not even married.  I'm sure it's just easier to blame it on someone else for rejecting the sale.  If you actually are having to ask your husband's permission you have a whole other basket of issues and should not be wasting your time buying crap on FB.  Your next purchase should be a spine.


I also see A LOT of draaama!  Surprise, surprise!  What did you think was going to happen when you get 200+ women together to barter over crap?  What started as a way for a creative individual to make some cash on the things in their home that was no longer needed, and provide a way for others to do the same, has turned into WWE Housewife Smackdown. 


Personally I think it's just another way for us to buy more junk we don't need/ won't use.  I also see a lot of baby items which I'm sure could be donated to someone who really NEEDS but can't afford them.  A few years ago my sister's ward had a lot of parents who were unemployed and struggling with everyday needed items.  At the end of summer they did a clothing swap and it turned out to really positive.

In summary, today's lesson kids is simply this: Facebook is for gossip and stalking, if you have crap to sell have a yard sale in...oh, I don't know...YOUR YARD!  

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fall lineup. . . .

A little different WYRW this week (sorry Ry).  I love seeing all the new shows and there are some good ones this year,

Baby Daddy

Animal Practice

Chicago Fire

The Mindy Project

What shows are you looking forward to?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Stars Earn Stripes. . . .

Holy amaze-balls Batman!  This is a good show.  Not because of the "stars" but because of the real service men that help them through their missions.
Would you rather,

Andrew McLaren

J.W. Cortes

Talon Smith

or my boy
Grady Powell

Friday, August 10, 2012

Things I'm excited for and things I wish would go away. . . .

College football season.  Hurry up already!!!!
My primary class this week.  The lesson is Captain Moroni's Title of Liberty.  One of my fav stories.
Vampire Diaries season 3.  I love you Damon! 
The weekend.  So many hours of laying around and watching Netflix.
Cornfest!  E-town is always a good time.

I'm done.
Athletes who test positive for banned substances.  Your going to get caught, the end.
High wasted shorts.  And take your high wasted trouser cousins with you!
Kate Upton.  We get it, your beautiful, now please put some freakin clothes on.
Fat.  Please can we just stop taking up space in my area?!
Paying bills.  This one needs no explanation.

Mama knows best. . . .

What does it mean when your mom calls you and says

"I've been thinking about you for some reason so I just wanted to make sure your ok."

Uhm...I was ok, but now I'm a little scared. Note to self: don't walk under any ladders, stay away from black cats. Check. Check.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

You can run, but you can't hide. . . .

Last we focused on the swimmers.  This week we are taking things outdoors to track 'n field.
Would you rather,

Ashton Eaton
(ignore the whorish mermaid creature)
Event: Decathlon
Height: 6-1
Weight: 185
Kerron Clement
Event: 400m Hurdles
Height: 6-2
Weight: 184
Ian Waltz
Event: Discus Throw
Height: 6-2
Weight: 265

Thursday, August 2, 2012

No lifeguard on duty. . . .

Ahh.... the olympics!  Would you rather,

Michael Phelps

Ryan Lochte

Personally I think Michael Phelps is a douche, hopefully Ryan can handle his fame with a little bit more dignity.