I have been fighting with my water heater the last few weeks. Yesterday, it won. Well technically it died but it won the fight because for some reason it didn't want to work. I kept replacing parts. $30 here, $24 there, milking it gently along. But it was not meant to be.
Have you ever had one of those lives that feel like your just getting the crap kicked out of you? I have. I've gone back and forth between being so angry and just wanting to curl up and cry. It just sometimes feels like whenever I get ahead, I kicked harder to knock me back down. So now as I'm staring down the barrel of a $300+ bill to replace it that
I can't really afford, I'm ticked. My anger is just boiling.

This morning when I got a text from one of my very best friends asking how I was doing I responded "Give me an hour to finish getting ready and get to work and then I have some grievances to air so I hope u had your oatmeal this morning. Ur going to need a lot of energy to talk me down off this ledge". Sometimes I feel bad for her because she's one of the very few people I trust, I let her see the bad side. I don't pretend to be strong all the time with her, she gets to hear all my complaining. Not because I don't think she'll judge me, but because I know she'll love me and still be my friend after I unleash the crazy.

Anyramble (there is a point here, I promise), as I'm driving to work and cursing being a homeowner and complaining in general about life. I passed a woman, in a wheelchair, in her front yard trying unsuccessfully to get her mail out of the mailbox. Her arms and legs were severely deformed. Something she's most likely lived with since birth. And the thought occurred to me 'what are you so upset about?'. I know we're not suppose to compare our struggles to another persons journey in life, and I'm not, rather I'm trying to understand and be grateful for the trials that I have been blessed with because the Lord knows my strength and He knows I can handle this. I just need to have faith that He is right.
And babies have absolutely nothing to do with this but their funny faces made me feel better!